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Montessori in Action:

An Overview

The Prepared Environment:

The Prepared Environment is the learning space that is deliberately and thoughtfully designed, prepared and maintained by a Montessori teacher  for the children. 

Each Prepared Environment is mindfully prepared and organized to encourage movement and all materials and furniture are child sized. The room is bright, uncluttered, organized, and is enhanced by living plants and nature prints.


Multi-Age Groupings:

Children entering a Casa classroom are between the ages of 18 months and five years old.


This allows for older children to mentor their younger friends, as well as show independence while teaching different jobs to friends. This mentoring role reinforces the confidence of the older children.

Younger children benefit from having this age grouping as they have more positive  role models closer to their age in the classroom. They also benefit from observing their older friends doing different works that soon they will be shown. 


The Materials:

All materials in the Prepared Environment have a learning purpose. All the materials are perfect, child-sized, colour coded, real and have a control of error. Each child must be shown how to use the materials properly before the child can freely take the material out to complete. 

Control of Error: 

Materials are made in a way that allow children to self-correct. This enables independence as children can perfect their work without the constant need of a adult. 

The Role of the Teacher and Assistant:

The adults in the room are demure, quiet and model grace and courtesy for the children. They work diligently each day to make sure the Prepared Environment is in a perfect condition. Their role is to observe and encourage the children and to introduce new works when the child is ready.

A Quote by Dr. Maria Montessori:

Dr. Montessori states that a teacher’s virtues are “ her tranquility, patience, charity and humility” (Discovery 150)

Three Period Lessons:

This is a teacher directed way of teaching specific concepts to a child such as alphabet sounds, numbers, names of countries, parts of a tree, etc.

First, the teacher introduces the vocabulary and links the vocabulary with a material.

Next, a game is played to deepen comprehension with a lot of repetition of the vocabulary.

Finally, the child is asked to use his or her memory and identification skills to use the new vocabulary. 


Children take care of plants in the outdoor Prepared Environment. They also are given the opportunity to explore nature in a pure state through walks through nature walk and in the green playground. Planting seeds, raking the soil, watering and weeding are all ways to connect to nature. 


Grace and Courtesy:

Manners and positive character traits are modelled from the adults in the classroom and are encouraged for all children to strive towards. Books, poems and circle time discussions reinforce the importance of Grace and Courtesy.

Children learn about different faiths as celebrations occur throughout the year.

Works such as blowing your nose with a tissue, washing hands and greetings are taught as part of care of the person.

Work Cycle:

Children enjoy a work cycle, which gives children the time to explore a task without being rushed and to complete it in a way in which they feel proud. 

A Quote by Dr. Maria Montessori:

Dr. Montessori states: “The essential thing is for the task to arouse such an interest that it engages the child’s whole personality.” (Absorbent 206) 

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